Have you scrubbed your floors this week? No? HA, good cause… me neither!
I have vivid memories of my Meme on her hands and knees scrubbing her floor inch to inch with a toothbrush. She tried hard to pass down the deep cleaning obsession to me. Sorry Meme, girlfriend loves detail but doesn’t have the attention span for that!
I’ve become a master of the 15 minute clean. What this means to me is the way we prepare our house in 15 minutes before guests come to make everyone comfortable, including us! There is for sure time and space for a good clean. However right before your guests come? Nah, that’s not the time! Here are the three areas I focus on, and you can do too!
Fresh Smells:
Make sure your space smells fresh! Whether Febreze is your style, an essential oil diffuser, or a candle, take your pick! Subconsciously, a fresh smelling house is seen as a clean house. As I’m getting ready, I put my diffuser in the entry way as well as the room we’ll be gathering in so that guests are surrounded by a fresh, clean smell! Have you taken out the trash? We try to remember to take our the trash during this time as well to prevent any food odor. A quick trash bag change can go a long way too!
Clear Surfaces:
Physical clutter= mental clutter. So here’s the deal, we’re all about creating systems before your guests come over to help you stay organized and get organized quickly. However, we all find ourselves in a pinch, especially when things are busy! Use small baskets or even your cabinets to temporarily clean off counter tops of items that don’t pertain to your guests or gathering, i.e paper work, school supplies, etc.
The Wipe Down:
We are masters of the wipe down! A little “sparkle” goes a long way! We have our favorite all-purpose spray & I’m sure you do too. Before guests come, go through the rooms they’ll be in and just wipe down the large surfaces. Think bathroom counters, table tops, or even your kitchen island. Hear me out, I’m not talking about a full house dusting here. I just try to remove any spills or residue, and leave surfaces with a bit of a fresh sparkle.
A quick 15 minute clean can cover a multitude of “I haven’t deep cleaned in 6 months, sins”. It’s not about perfection, it’s about making your guests comfortable and wanting to stay in your space.