How’s your holiday budget looking? That question likely just made your heart sink. As we get closer to the holidays, we often are so conflicted with the excitement of decking the halls and the shock of how our bank accounts look after. Without realizing it, we find ourselves in comparison circles feeling like we can only host that open house party if it includes x, y, and z. Before we know it, we end up either not hosting at all or find ourselves in a pinch financially on the other end. Gift giving also has its way of presenting added pressure, leading many to go into debt that creates added stress throughout the year. What would it look like if we approached the holiday season with a plan so that we can stay on track with our goals while still enjoying the beauty, generosity, and celebration of the season? I asked financial expert Rachel Cruze, from Ramsey Solutions, to join me for this conversation and truly there’s no one better to lead it. Through this episode you can expect to hear:
- What is a budget, who needs one, and how to create one.
- Money doesn’t just appear during the holidays; how can we prepare for holiday spending?
- Common holiday budget busters.
- The “cost” of Christmas debt.
- How to make additional income for the holiday season.
- Ways to save on your holiday parties.
To be honest, many of us approach the holidays with the same financial concern, so we’re here to make room to talk about it!
Follow Rachel @rachelcruze
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